HIGH: Darknet Events Report



This report records observed traffic to darknet networks.

Darknets (also known as network telescopes) are unused sets of IP addresses, which in theory should observe no traffic. In practice, however, a lot of traffic reaches such networks through activities such as Internet scanning, malware propagation, or backscatter from spoofed DDoS events – meaning that these network packets can often be immediately classified as suspicious or malicious. In this way, darknets serve a similar type of function as honeypot listeners, only simpler. Additional packet fingerprinting measures can be employed to attribute tools or malware sending out such packets.

You can learn more on the report in our Darknet Events Report tutorial.

You can learn more on our reports in general in our Overview of Free Public Benefit Shadowserver Reports presentation, which also explains example Use Cases.

Severity levels are described here.

File name: event4_honeypot_darknet

This report type was created as part of the EU Horizon 2020 SISSDEN Project.


  • timestamp
    Timestamp when the IP was seen in UTC+0
  • protocol
    Packet type of the connection traffic (UDP/TCP)
  • src_ip
    The IP of the device in question
  • src_port
    Source port of the IP connection
  • src_asn
    ASN of the source IP
  • src_geo
    Country of the source IP
  • src_region
    Region of the source IP
  • src_city
    City of the source IP
  • src_hostname
    Reverse DNS of the source IP
  • src_naics
    North American Industry Classification System Code
  • src_sector
    Sector to which the IP in question belongs; e.g. Communications, Commercial
  • device_vendor
    Source device vendor
  • device_type
    Source device type
  • device_model
    Source device model
  • severity
    Severity level
  • dst_ip
    Destination IP
  • dst_port
    Destination port of the IP connection
  • dst_asn
    ASN of the destination IP
  • dst_geo
    Country of the destination IP
  • dst_region
    Region of the destination IP
  • dst_city
    City of the destination IP
  • dst_hostname
    Reverse DNS of the destination IP
  • dst_naics
    North American Industry Classification System Code
  • dst_sector
    Sector to which the IP in question belongs; e.g. Communications, Commercial
  • public_source
    Source of the event data
  • infection
    Description of the malware/infection
  • family
    Malware family or campaign associated with the event
  • tag
    Event attributes
  • application
    Application name associated with the event
  • version
    Software version associated with the event
  • event_id
    Unique identifier assigned to the source IP or event
  • count
    Packet count if recorded


"2010-02-10 00:00:00",tcp,,27539,64512,ZZ,Region,City,node01.example.com,0,,Boa,embedded-system,,high,,23,65534,ZZ,Region,City,node01.example.net,0,,,mirai,,mirai,,,,
"2010-02-10 00:00:01",tcp,,43803,64512,ZZ,Region,City,node02.example.com,0,"Communications, Service Provider, and Hosting Service",,,,high,,23,65534,ZZ,Region,City,node02.example.net,0,,,mirai,,mirai,,,,
"2010-02-10 00:00:02",tcp,,1024,64512,ZZ,Region,City,node03.example.com,0,,,,,high,,23,65534,ZZ,Region,City,node03.example.net,0,,,mirai,,mirai,,,,

Our 128 Report Types